
Transcripts are available in [html] and Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format [pdf].
Click on the appropriate link as marked.
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Keynote Address [html]
Judith Rodin
President, University of Pennsylvania

The Commission's Charge [html] (Closing Remarks) [html]
Judith Rodin
President, University of Pennsylvania
Keynote Address [html] [pdf]
Kevin Phillips
Editor and publisher of The American Political Report, syndicated columnist
Roundtable Discussion [html] [pdf]

Affirmative Action and the Culture of Intolerance [html] [pdf]
Christopher Edley
Professor of Law, Harvard University
Roundtable Discussion [html] [pdf]

Immigration and the Fracturing of Community [html] [pdf]
Richard Rodgriguez
Author, PBS Commentator
Roundtable Discussion [html] [pdf]

Campaign Reform and the Failure of Leadership [html] [pdf]
Paul Taylor
Journalist and creator of Campaign Reform Organization "Free Time for Straight Talk"
Roundtable Discussion [html] [pdf]
Welcome and Introduction [html] [pdf]
Judith Rodin
President, University of Pennsylvania

Professional Sports and Public Behavior [html] [pdf]
Richard Lapchick
Director, Center for the Study of Sport in Society, Northeastern University
Roundtable Discussion [html] [pdf]

The University and Public Behavior [html] [pdf]
Judith Rodin
President, University of Pennsylvania
Roundtable Discussion [html] [pdf]

Government and Public Behavior [html] [pdf]
Bill Bradley
Former Senator, New Jersey
Roundtable Discussion [html] [pdf]

The Military and Public Behavior [html] [pdf]
Julius Becton, Jr.
Lt. General, U.S. Army (ret.)
Roundtable Discussion [html] [pdf]

Exemplary Discourse on Affirmative Action [html] [pdf]
With the Membership of the Penn National Commission
Led by Drew Faust (University of Pennsylvania)

National Leadership and the Conversation on Race [html] [pdf]
with William Gray and Ward Connerly
Moderated by Cass Sunstein (University of Chicago)
Los Angeles
The Context of Public Discourse [html] [pdf]
Led by Robert Wiebe (Northwestern University)
With Jonathan Franzen, Samuel Popkin, Edward Rothstein and Richard Weisberg

The Conduct of Public Discourse [html] [pdf]

Led by Judith Rodin (University of Pennsylvania)
With David Ryfe (University of California at San Diego)
Thomas Bender (New York University)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson (University of Pennsylvania)
Neil Smelser (Stanford University)

The Role of Institutions in Leading Public Discourse [html] [pdf]
Barry Munitz (President, J. Paul Getty Trust)
Introduced by Michael Useem (University of Pennsylvania)

Creating a National Discourse: Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa [html] [pdf]
Alex Boraine (Vice Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission)
Led by Amy Gutmann (Princeton University)


Film and Discourse [html]

Neal Gabler (Author)
Moderated by Judith Rodin

Cybercommunity [html]

Led by Larry Lessig (Harvard Law School)
Julian Dibbel (Author)
Ken Deutsch (Internet Strategic Communications)
Marc Ewing (Red Hat Software, Inc.)

Public Discourse In Action Lunchtime Presentation [html]

Led by Stephen Steinberg and Judith Rodin

Political Discourse [html]

Led by Kathleen Hall Jamieson (Dean, Annenberg School for Communication)
Paul Begala
Karl Rove
Tom Luce

Discourse Programs [html]

Led by Jay Rosen (New York University)
David M. Ryfe (University of California at San Diego)
Mary Jacksteit (Common Ground Network for Life and Choice)
Carolyn Lukensmeyer (America Speaks)
Martha McCoy (Study Circles Resource Center)
Bob McKenzie (National Issues Forums)
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