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Keynote Address
Judith Rodin
President, University of Pennsylvania

Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)
Affirmative Action and the Culture of Intolerance
Christopher Edley, Jr.
Professor of Law, Harvard University

Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)

The Market, The State, and the Dynamics of Public Culture
Kevin Phillips
Editor and publisher of The American Political Report, syndicated columnist

Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Immigration and the Fracturing of Community
Richard Rodriguez
Author, PBS Commentator

Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Campaign Reform and the Failure of Leadership
Paul Taylor
Journalist, Organizer of "Free Time for Straight Talk"

Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Professional Sports and Public Behavior
Richard Lapchick
Director, Center for the Study of Sport in Society

56 Dial-Up Modem
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Judy Rodin
The University and Public Behavior
Judith Rodin
President, University of Pennsylvania

56 K Dial-Up Modem
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

The Military and Public Behavior
Julius Becton, Jr.
Lt. General, U.S. Army (ret.)

Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Government and Public Behavior
Bill Bradley
Former Senator, New Jersey

56 K Dial-Up Modem
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Exemplary Discourse on Affirmative Action
Led by Drew Faust (University of Pennsylvania)
With the Membership of the Penn National Commission

PART ONE: Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
PART ONE: High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

PART TWO: Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
PART TWO: High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Ward Connerly
National Leadership and the Conversation on Race
William Gray and Ward Connerly
Moderated by Cass Sunstein (University of Chicago)

PART ONE: Standard Dial-Up Modem (28 kbps)

Ward Connerly
National Leadership and the Conversation on Race
William Gray and Ward Connerly
Moderated by Cass Sunstein (University of Chicago)

PART TWO: Standard Dial-Up Modem (28 kbps)

Los Angeles
The Context of Public Discourse
Led by Robert Wiebe (Northwestern University)
With Jonathan Franzen, Samuel Popkin, Edward Rothstein and Richard Weisberg

Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
56 K modem
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

The Role of Institutions in Leading Civil Discourse
Led by Barry Munitz (President, J Paul Getty Trust)

Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
56 K modem
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Creating a National Discourse: Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa
Led by Amy Gutmann (Princeton University)
With Alex Boraine, Vice Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Standard Dial-Up Modem (28.8 kbps)
56 K modem
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Film and Discourse
Neal Gabler (Author)
Moderated by Judith Rodin

56 K modem
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Led by Larry Lessig (Harvard Law School)
with Julian Dibbell, Ken Deutsch, Marc Ewing

High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Political Discourse
Led by Kathleen Hall Jamieson (Dean, Annenberg School for Communication)
with Paul Begala, Karl Rove, Tom Luce

56 K modem
High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

Discourse Programs
Led by Jay Rosen, New York University

High Speed ISDN-or-better (112 kbps)

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